ステンレス鋼魔法石鹸 ニンニク 玉ねぎなどの匂いを除去できる石鹸

ステンレス鋼魔法石鹸 ニンニク 玉ねぎなどの匂いを除去できる石鹸

【オスター ブレンダー アクセサリー 6ピースセット Oster® Blender Accessory Refresh Kit - Black [並行輸入品]】
al-32252265987 匂いなどを取り除く魔法のステンレス鋼 STAINLESS STEEL MAGIC SOAP ELIMINATES GARLIC/ONION ETC SMELLS KITCHEN GADGET 1 steel soap while rubbing his hands while rinsing with running water 30-60 seconds. Remove all kinds of odors without any detergent; 2 mass wet towel (or steel soap half immersed in the water bowl) but also when the refrigerator deodorizers also in the kitchen bathroom odor.; 3 Note: Please do not fire Shuitang violent dismantling and direct friction utensils cutlery can mass or scrub with a wet towel to soak utensils and a half period of time running water rinse to remove the odor tableware; 4 can absorb and decompose toxic gas molecules decorated rooms such as formaldehyde would love steel soap half immersed in the water bowl renovated rooms can be placed; 5 can remove pet odors nest will love steel soap half immersed in the water bowl pet can be placed near the nest; 6 may be in addition to underarm odor bath towel body scrub to wet mass; 7 can be in addition to foot odor when mass feet wet towel to scrub smelly feet; 8 can be removed medicine taste most of disinfectant smell taste bills gasoline diesel smell such as smell using the reference method must be used in conjunction with water.



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